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Get your business fit this January!

Chris Booth

“New year, must lose weight, must get fit…” How many times have you heard these words uttered in the last fortnight? And how for many people has this already fallen by the wayside?

We all know the rules – for new years’ resolutions you want to keep – you need active support. From joining a running club, to downloading the ‘couch to 5k’ app – support and encouragement is crucial to get you out on a dark January evening. It’s the reason weight loss groups are so successful, it’s easier to do it together. There is a U.S. study that showed that people attending a slimming class lost double the weight than those doing it alone.*

The motivation, drive, different perspectives and the effect of ‘teamwork’ all contribute towards the successful achievement of your new years’ resolution – if you have enlisted the support of someone (or something if you are using an app).

These principles can easily translate to your business. New Year, new challenge, fresh outlook… but how? How can I make my business leaner? Where can I trim the fat off my cost base? Are my overheads too heavy for the size of the business? Answers to these questions come in the form of financial health check that can be undertaken by Foxtrot Twenty, your active support route to achieving your business’ new year goals.

An expert view with a fresh perspective could just be what you need to get your business into great financial health, keep you motivated and provide the light you need in dark January.

Start the new year in a positive way and get in touch so we can help you trim the fat off your business finances.


Foxtrot Twenty is a Finance consultancy business based in Melbourne, Derbyshire. Our aim is to improve business performance through financial insight. Available for finance project work, as a consultant or to act as part-time finance director. If you require help with financial strategy or consultancy, please get in touch

*The Study funded by the US National Institution of health is published in the Journal ‘Obesity’.

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